If you need further information on our products, please do not hesitate
to contact us using the form below.

Contact information

You can contact us by filling the form below. If you need technical informations (such as detailed infos about our products, or assistance) please select “Technical Information” in the form “Object” field.
Consider we receive a lot of requests every day, so please be patient
if we can’t reply in real-time. Thank you.
Sorry but we won’t reply to incomplete emails (with missing fields or else).

Thank you!


Product information and/or Assistance Requests
You can send us these kind of requests by selecting “Technical Information” in the form “Object” field.


Advertising and/or Commercial Proposals
You can send us these kind of requests by selecting “Advertising” or “Commercial Proposals” in the form “Object” field.

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Our coordinates

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Nightingale is a Simetel S.p.A. Trademark

Via Pieve Torina, 42 • 00156 Rome, Italy
Phone (+39) 06 412 1091 • Fax (+39) 06 411 0557
P.I. 00900211004

How to reach us
  1. Coming from G.R.A.: Uscita 13: Via Tiburtina » Roma
  2. Go straight on for about 500 mt
  3. Turn right into Via di Scorticabove
  4. After about 150 mt turn left into Via Pieve Torina
  5. Go straight on for about 200 mt